
Study Abroad With CEA CAPA

Through our education centers worldwide, we offer students an unparalleled opportunity for growth and exploration of their world.

Imagine opening your front door every morning to the streets of an exciting global city like Barcelona, London, or Sydney. Around you, life in this vibrant world unfolds against a rich cultural landscape. You head to class, a field trip location, or your internship, and return each day having created life-long memories, connected with friends and local colleagues, and learned a skill or two useful for your future career. Plus, you'll have the opportunity explore and discover all the city has to offer, including food, art, architecture, and local attractions unique to each global city. 

CEA CAPA Student Information Sessions

Learn more about the benefits of study abroad on our blended and flexible models for online and in-country study abroad and global internships through our Info Sessions. 

Explore Scholarships and Financing Opportunities

Find the right CAPA program for you!

Would you like to study abroad at a CAPA Center or enroll directly at a university abroad? *

Would you like to participate in a for-credit Global Internship? *