
CEA CAPA Amsterdam Open House


CEA CAPA Amsterdam Open House

Amsterdam, Netherlands

Monday, September 25. 3-5pm

CEA CAPA will be hosting an Open House in Amsterdam, leading up to the EAIE Annual Study Abroad Conference in Rotterdam. Come learn all that CEA CAPA has to offer in Amsterdam for semester and short-term education abroad programming. Meet our Program Director, Frans van den Bliek, and other CEA CAPA leaders and explore our academic and custom offerings.

Our partnership with Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam (VU Amsterdam), founded in 1880 and is now ranked one of the top 100 universities in the world. With a focus on research and academic excellence, VU Amsterdam hosts about 25,000 students a year, and 14% of them are international. Higher education in the Netherlands is world renowned and regulated by the Accreditation Organization of the Netherlands and Flanders (NVAO).

During the Open House you will:

  • Tour Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam campus
  • Visit student housing 
  • Attend dinner with CEA CAPA (optional)

In addition to the Open House, CEA CAPA will be hosting a happy hour at JAQ, the Hilton Rotterdam hotel bar on Wednesday, September 27 from 6-7pm.

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